Personal Insurances
Most of us have a plan or vision of our future. The things we can achieve and the life we are trying to build. Now we want you to imagine your life, if sickness or injury prevented you from working. As important as any financial plan is, it is built on the ability to earn an income. The fundamental basis of every financial plan, is protecting your most valuable asset. You!! Most people do not hesitate to insure their car or house, and completely overlook their most valuable asset.
35 year old
Salary: $80,000 x 30 years to retirement = $2,400,000
Life Insurance
Proving your family with financial security in the event of your premature death
Total and Permanent Disability
Provide you with a lump sum, to eliminate debts, cover out of pocket medical and rehabilitation expenses, in the event you are unable to ever return to work again.
Income Protection
Your income is your greatest asset. Income protection ensures you continue to receive 75% of your income, in the event you are unable to work due to sickness or accident.
Trauma / Critical Illness
Have you considered the cost to yourself and your family if you were to suffer a trauma condition. Heart attack, Stroke, Cancer, paraplegia, are just some of the critical illnesses which can not only reduce your quality of life but also have a financial impact on your loved ones.
Business Expenses Cover
Business expenses cover ensures you can continue to fund your fixed business expenses whilst you are unable to work. The benefit provides cover for up to 12 months to continue paying your fixed business costs.
Child Cover
A trauma event for a child is one of the most emotional and distressing things which can happen to a parent. Child cover, provides a tax free lump sum to not only cover medical expenses, but also ensure parents can take time off work to be with their family through the difficult times.

Retirement Advice
Retirement Advice Retirement is something we all hope to only do once. It is an incredibly exciting time, and one which...
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