Buy / Sell Insurance
As a business owners, your primary wealth vehicle is the company you build. Partnerships and shareholders have a plan in mind to build the business and eventually exit, at a time which suits them. Like all things in business, nothing is certain. We work with Small and Medium Enterprises, to plan for significant life events which force owners to prematurely exit a business. Do the remaining shareholders have sufficient capital to fund a buyout? How will the business operate if the beneficiaries of an estate inherit ownership of the business? These questions are just some of the things to consider, when reviewing or drafting a shareholder agreement.
Key-Person Cover
In any business large or small, there are key personnel who drive a large portion of the business value. Considering the effect on the business valuation, if something were to happen to these individuals, is a core part of protecting your business. You would not hesitate to insure a vehicle ($25,000), so what impact would the death or disablement of a key employee have on your business value. We work with business owners and directors to evaluate your business and identify key risk areas, which require protection.
Buy / Sell Agreement
Structuring an Buy Sell agreement is an important part of any shareholders agreement. Identifying under what circumstances and when, shareholders will sell their ownership of the business. Examples include; on death, permanent disability, conviction of a crime, or reaching retirement age.
Buy / Sell insurance
Ownership valuations can be high, and often capital is not available to fund the purchase of the shares in a business. Insurance can assist in funding the cost of a pre-mature business exit.
The death or Disability of a key income driving employee or director can drastically effect a business. A cash injection can be required to fund replacing that key person, or drastically reducing debt, to assist in covering reduction in business revenue,

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